TransCanada is threatening landowners like Randy, our land, water and way of life. As citizens, we can stop the pipeline and make sure our state elected officials–including Gov. Heineman–pass regulations to ensure our land and water are safe from risky tarsands pipelines.
TransCanadas first pipeline has had 14 spills in one year when they said their pipeline would have 11 spills over 50 years. We know the real number is oil leaks is more like 91 spills, according to Dr. Stansbury from the University of Nebraska’s independent study.
On November 10th, the Obama Administration announced that they will be delaying a decision on TransCanada’s application for a presidential permit until 2013. The State Department will be reviewing alternative routes that avoid the Sandhills. We believe the extra year gives us the opportunity to show the executive branch why this pipeline is not in our national interest.
On November 14th, Speaker Flood announced that TransCanada had volunteered to reroute the Keystone XL out of the Sandhills, that Nebraska will conduct a supplemental environmental impact statement on alternatives routes, and that Senator Dubas’ siting bill will be passed to establish a process for siting future pipelines in Nebraska. We expect a fair, thorough, and transparent process as we move forward.
Actions below. For education info on pipeline, click here.
Featured Actions:
- Write a letter to President Obama.
Ask the President to deny the permit and visit the Sandhills before he makes this critical decision. You can either fax the letter 202-456-2461 or write, The White House/ 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW/ Washington, DC 20500. We encourage you to include pictures of your land, family or you enjoying the Sandhills. - Call Your State Senator: Please email and call your state senator and tell them three things:
- That you appreciate they listened to Nebraskans’ concerns on this issue and therefore the body is going to pass Dubas’ siting bill and a bill to write a supplemental environmental impact statement on alternative Keystone XL routes.
- TransCanada should NOT be exempted from Dubas’ siting bill. The decision on a presidential permit is not expected until early 2013, so TransCanada has plenty of time to go through a state permiting process.
- TransCanada, not Nebraska citizens, should pay for the $2-5 million state-based environmental study. Under Dubas’ bill, all other pipeline companies will have to pay for siting studies. TransCanada should not get a free ride–especially since they clearly have the budget to spend millions on ads in Nebraska.
- Write a Letter to the Editor: LTEs are one of the best ways to share and shape public opinion. Please write your local newspaper about the new updates, particularly hitting on points 2 and 3 from above. If you need contact info for your local paper or tips on writing a good LTE, please email
Other Actions You Can Take:
Sign our Nebraska pipeline petition telling elected officials we must stop the pipeline and protect our landowners and natural resources.
Write, call and tweet our elected officials, we have the full contact info below.
Download the Bold Pipeline Action Guide to get ideas like how to write a letter to the editor.
View and post pictures on Flickr of “Stand with Randy” and other events.
Sign the new White House petition, we are told once it hits over 5,000 the White House meets with people on the issue.
Watch for more Nebraska screening dates of the documentary “Pipe Dreams.”
Learn About Risky Tarsands Oil:
Learn how TransCanada’s pipeline will increase gas prices.
Learn how TransCanada is yet another big oil company, making money off the backs of middle class Americans.
Meet Randy
NWF Gas Prices Flyer and TransCanada Risky Pipeline Flyer: Two flyers with the basics of how the pipeline will increase gas prices and hurt our land and water.
Worst Case Spill Report: A ground-breaking independent, peer-reviewed study by UNL professor Dr. Stansbury documenting the huge risk the TransCanada pipeline will have on our water and how TransCanada underestimated the amount of spills that would occur.
Nebraska Unicameral’s Interim Study: This document has testimony from Nebraska’s water and Sandhill experts on the dangers and numerous questions that are still unanswered about the risky pipeline project.
Congressional Research Service Memo: The non-partisan federal resource clearly outlines the fact that Nebraska–not the federal government–is responsible for the route of oil pipelines, which means Gov. Heineman and the Unicameral can say the pipeline should not go through the Sandhills.
Bold’s Pipeline Resource Page: We do our best to keep lots of background information, reports and key articles all in one place.
Dirty Oil Sands: A “hub” of resources on tarsands, this site has great links to videos and other facts on tarsands.
Nebraska and Federal Elected Official Contact Info:
Thank These People
- State Senator Dubas (she is urging Clinton not to make pipeline decision until NE Unicameral can pass state-level laws)
- Email:
- Phone: 402-471-2630
- Twitter: @proud_farm_gal
- State Senator Sullivan (she is urging Clinton not to make pipeline decision until NE Unicameral can pass state-level laws)
- Email:
- Phone: 402-471-2631
- State Senator Haar (he is the main state senator pushing state-level laws)
- Email:
- Phone: 402-471-2673
- State Senator Fulton (he is urging Clinton not to make pipeline decision until NE Unicameral can pass state-level laws)
- Email:
- Phone: 402-471-2734
- Twitter: @tonyfulton
- State Senator Coash (he is urging Clinton not to make pipeline decision until NE Unicameral can pass state-level laws)
- Email:
- Phone: 402-471-2632
- Twitter: @colbycoash
- Rep. Fortenberry (he voted NO on Terry’s bill to rush the pipeline)
- Email: form
- Phone: 402-438-1598
- Twitter: @jefffortenberry
- Senator Nelson (he is urging Heineman to re-route pipeline out of Sandhills)
- Email: form on
- Phone: 402-441-4600
- Twitter: @senbennelson
- Senator Johanns (he is urging the pipeline to be re-routed out of Sandhills)
- Email: form on
- Phone: 402-476-1400
- Twitter: @Mike_Johanns
Tell These People to “Do More”
- Governor Heineman (he has authority to re-route pipeline and call special session)
- Email: form on
- Phone: 402-471-2244
- Twitter: @Gov_Heineman
- Address: State Capitol, Room 2315, Lincoln, NE 68509
- Speaker Mike Flood (he could push a special session)
- Email:
- Phone: 402-471-2929
- Address: State Capitol, Room 2103, Lincoln, NE 68509
- Rep. Lee Terry (he authored a bill to rush the pipeline)
- Email: form
- Phone: 402-397-9944
- Twitter: @leeterryne
- Rep. Adrian Smith (he voted yes on Terry’s bill to rush the pipeline)
- Attorney General Bruning (he has authority to help landonwers with eminent domain)
- Email: none listed
- Phone: 402-471-2682
- Twitter: @jonbruning
- Secretary of State Clinton (she can deny TransCanada permit to cross international permit)
- Email: form on
- Twitter: @statedept
- Kerri-Ann Jones (she is the lead staff person on the permit process)
- Email:
- Write: U.S. Department of State, c/o Kerri-Ann Jones (Personal), 2201 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20520
- President Obama (he can live up to his promise for energy-independence)
- Email:
- Phone: 202-456-1111
- Twitter: @whitehouse