Jane Kleeb, Bold Alliance: 402-705-3622, jane@boldnebraska.org
Ed Fallon, Bold Iowa: 515-238-6404, ed@boldiowa.org
Adam Mason, Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement, 515-314-2655, adam@iowacci.org
Pipeline Fighters React to Obama Administration’s Call for Construction Halt on Dakota Access Pipeline at Key Areas Near Sacred Stone Camp That Threaten Water, Sacred Sites
Des Moines — Today, several key federal agencies stepped in to temporarily halt construction of the Dakota Access pipeline in key areas that threaten water and Tribal sacred sites. The Department of Interior, Department of Justice and Army Corps of Engineers now all realize that the proper consultation was never done with Tribes, and that a water risk analysis still must be done.
“Our government stood up for the people. The only reason this action was taken to halt construction was people power — and having a government that is made up of individuals who truly listen to our concerns,” said Jane Kleeb, Bold Alliance President.
“The government is finally stepping in to do the right thing. It is an amazing day not just for indigenous people in America but for all Americans. We the People have a voice, and we have been heard,” said Mekasi Camp Horinek, Ponca Nation member and coordinator for Bold Oklahoma who has been working at the Sacred Stone Camp near Cannon Ball, N.D. for weeks helping to organize nonviolent direct actions.
“The Dept. of Justice and other agencies stepped forward last March with strong language encouraging the Army Corps to conduct a full Environmental Impact Statement for this pipeline,” said Bold Iowa director Ed Fallon. “It’s very encouraging to see them step forward again, and we hope this marks a turning point in how our federal government consults with Tribal Nations, and with the farmers and landowners whose livelihoods are threatened by these massive fossil fuel infrastructure projects.”
“This is a great victory for the Standing Rock Sioux,” said Cherie Mortice, Board Chair of Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement. “We’ll continue fighting tooth and nail to stop the Dakota Access pipeline in all our states by moving everyday folks – farmers, teachers, students and more – to action.”
(Link to joint statement by Department of Justice, the Department of the Army and the Department of the Interior: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/joint-statement-department-justice-department-army-and-department-interior-regarding-standing)
Bold Iowa and Iowa CCI are also organizing the “Bakken Pipeline Pledge of Resistance,” which has now been signed by 2,100 citizens, including over 550 who have pledged to risk arrest in acts of peaceful nonviolent civil disobedience to stop construction on the pipeline.
(View the Bakken Pipeline Pledge of Resistance here: http://bit.ly/bakkenpledge)
On Aug. 31, 30 people were arrested in a direct action in Boone County. Another direct action is planned for Saturday, Sept. 10. Details for tomorrow’s event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1197336950288602
Dakota Access has filed suit against Bold Iowa and Iowa CCI, along with Bold’s Ed Fallon and Iowa CCI’s Adam Mason, seeking an injunction to silence our First Amendment rights to speak out and freely assemble to protest the pipeline. Fallon and Mason will appear in federal court on Sept. 29. The 30 citizens who stood up to exercise their First Amendment rights to speech and free assembly by demonstrating their opposition to the pipeline will appear in court in Boone County on Sept. 15.
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