Bold Nebraska director Jane Kleeb appeared on MSNBC’s “The Ed Show” on Friday, Sept. 5 to discuss that morning’s oral arguments in Thompson v. Heineman at the Nebraska Supreme Court.
Jane was joined on the show by Randy Thompson, one of the three Nebraska landowner plaintiffs who filed the lawsuit against Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman over LB 1161 — a law passed by the Nebraska legislature that unconstitutionally passed the powers of eminent domain and pipeline siting authority from the Public Service Commission to Gov. Heineman.
An overflowing overflow courtroom of Pipeline Fighters came out on Friday to support Randy, Suz Straka and Susan Dunavan, and landowners’ attorney Dave Domina during oral arguments at the state Supreme Court.

During the segment, Jane calls on former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton to come visit Nebraska on Sept. 27 to see Willie Nelson and Neil Young perform at the “Harvest the Hope” benefit concert for the pipeline fight.
Watch the clip of Jane & Randy on “The Ed Show” below: