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UPDATE 6/9/15: The Hallam Wind Project will NOT be on the agenda at the Lancaster County Planning Department meeting on Wednesday, June 10. They have begun a 30-day comment period on the proposed plans, and all comments will be delivered to them at a date to be announced.

We have an opportunity to create hundreds of new jobs, a new local source of clean energy, and generate $10 million in local revenue over the next two decades, with the proposed Hallam Wind Project in southeast Nebraska.

But Lancaster County is proposing new restrictions on wind turbines that would effectively kill the Hallam Wind Project — and any other wind farm developments in the county.(1)

Tell the Lancaster County Planning Department — I support reasonable regulations that would expand clean, local wind energy in Nebraska:


Wind companies rightfully do not have the power of eminent domain for private gain — unlike oil pipelines — so landowners who do not want turbines on their property have the right and power to say no.

Nebraska ranks 3rd among the states in wind-generating potential, but has been woefully slow to harness this abundant clean, local energy alternative — ranking just 18th in wind energy generation. Wind energy has the potential to generate more than 118 times our state’s current electricity needs.(2)

Add your voice of support for reasonable regulations that will not kill the Hallam Wind Project and any further wind developments in our area:

Sign the letter: I support more clean wind energy in Nebraska.


1. “Proposed turbine noise rules would be most restrictive in state,” Lincoln Journal Star, 5/21/15.

2. “Nebraska Wind Energy,” American Wind Energy Association, 6/4/15.