LUX Center for the Arts Presents: First Friday with “Dementia Americana,” a group show by Cannupa Hanksa Luger, Marty Two Bulls Jr., and Micheal Two Bulls and “Life is a Balloon” by Louis LaBudda.
Opening Reception: Friday, February 1, 2019, 5-8 p.m.
Facebook event: https://facebook.com/events/2250024795247049/
LINCOLN, Neb. — LUX Center for the Arts presents “Dementia Americana,” a group show by Cannupa Hanksa Luger, Marty Two Bulls Jr., and Micheal Two Bulls and “Life is a Balloon” by Louis LaBudda. These exhibitions will have an opening reception First Friday, February 1, 2019 from 5-8 p.m.
“Dementia Americana” is an exhibition of new artworks from three contemporary Native American Artists: Cannupa Hanksa Luger, Marty Two Bulls Jr., and Micheal Two Bulls. This exhibition is proudly sponsored by Bold Nebraska and The Lincoln Arts Council. The artists explore the state of American aesthetics and the relationship to the current socio-political climate through mixed media, ceramic sculpture, printmaking and assemblage.
“Art connects our spirits and feelings to issues that impact our lives and our neighbors,” said Jane Kleeb, founder of Bold Nebraska. “Bold is proud to sponsor this exhibit and hope it stirs conversation and action in our state.”
Dementia Americana is the chronic disorder of memory, personality changes and impaired reasoning of American culture and its interpretation of history. The America that these three artists find themselves in is plagued by the aforementioned disease.
A culture filled with contradictory narratives of freedom and oppression; citizen and immigrant; liberalism and conservatism. This disease affects the way America analyzes and interprets its own history causing it to often times repeat its dark past of genocide, thievery, slavery and discrimination.
Each artist takes their own unique approach at addressing these contradictory narratives through their artwork with hopes of providing an alternate approach to evaluating and counteracting the Dementia Americana that plagues their nation. “Dementia Americana” runs in our Main Gallery through March 31st.
More information at https://www.luxcenter.org/exhibitions/dementia-americana.