Bold Nebraska and allied groups like the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People have great events coming up in the month of January. You can always find current events (some pipeline related and others on issues Bold supports) by looking on our Event page or on our Facebook page.

Also, on Feb. 17th some of us are headed to DC to send a clear message to President Obama to deny the pipeline permit. You can read more about the trip or sign up to make an “oil spill” panel, click here.

NEAT Landowner Meeting
Friday, Jan. 4th from 5-7pm
O’Neill Community Center

The NEAT meeting is for landowners and citizens who are part of NEAT only. Topics of eminent domain, easement terms and more will be discussed. For more information or to join NEAT, visit

Ogoni Day Commemoration and Annual Convention
Friday and Saturday, Jan. 4th and 5th
Friday rally, 4pm at the State Capitol
Saturday convention, 10am at the WSI Hall, 1430 N 10th Street, Lincoln

The Ogoni Day Commemoration and Annual Convention will take place on Saturday, January 5th, with a rally kicking off the event on Friday. The Nebraska Chapter of the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP) is putting on the event, and we urge you attend as it is expected to be an awesome event with a great turnout. More info, click here.

Climate Change: the Science and the Solutions at Hand
Sunday, Jan. 6th at 1pm
Unitarian Church, 6300 A Street, Lincoln, NE 68510

Dr. Lucas Sabalka is a professor at Saint Louis University and is part of the Climate Reality Project, whose goal is to create a global movement to demand action on the climate crisis. The climate talk will focus on three aspects of climate change: the overwhelming scientific evidence and consensus showing humans are the cause; the moral and economic imperative to act now; and the affordable technology that already exists to address climate change and the actions each of us can take to build a better world. The climate lecture is co-sponsored by the Citizens Climate Lobby and the Green Sanctuary Committee of the Unitarian Church. More info, click here.