Domina Law Group attorney Brian Jorde speaks to landowners and Pipeline Fighters at a Bold Nebraska community meeting on Keystone XL on Jan. 30, 2017.

Over 150 landowners and Pipeline Fighters attended a Keystone XL pipeline community meeting in O’Neill on Jan. 30.

Jane Kleeb, President of the Bold Alliance opened the meeting, and relayed that nothing about the Keystone XL pipeline “Makes America Great Again” — as the pipeline is made with foreign steel, coming from a foreign country, carrying foreign tarsands to be exported to the foreign market.

Landowners were also reminded that TransCanada is still suing American taxpayers for $15 billion dollars and has an open complaint lodged under NAFTA. Despite having also reapplied for the Keystone XL permit, the company is still moving forward with the lawsuit.

Domina Law attorney Brian Jorde debriefed landowners on the current lawsuits in the District courts. Landowners won cases in the county courts where TransCanada was ordered to pay the landowners’ legal fees for fighting eminent domain over the past six years. However, TransCanada appealed these victories, and landowners are now facing TransCanada in District court.

Brian also talked about the Public Service Commission (PSC), and the importance of everyone participating in the process and providing factual information during the hearing.

ACTION: Send a hand-written letter to the Nebraska Public Service Commission (PSC) with your concerns about the Keystone XL pipeline. 

(Let us know you mailed your letter! Fill out the form below)

  • Explain why you are against the Keystone XL pipeline.
  • Urge the PSC to reject TransCanada’s permit application.
  • As an agriculture-based state, we do not need to take more agricultural land out of production for a foreign pipeline.
  • The pipeline needs to be rerouted to avoid the sandy porous soils of the Sandhills, shallow water tables, and recharge part of the Ogallala aquifer.
  • Urge the PSC to require that TransCanada “twin” Keystone XL with its existing Keystone I pipeline — which would see Keystone XL constructed inside the existing easements and established pipeline corridor in Nebraska.

Nebraska Public Service Commission
1200 N Street, Suite 300
Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: 402-471-3101

Nebraska Public Service Commission Members:
Frank Landis
Crystal Rhoades:
Tim Schram:
Rod Johnson:
Mary Ridder:

Bold will be also be hosting events on April 29 as part of a National Day of Action against KXL and DAPL, stay tuned for more details.