On Sunday, Nov. 18, thousands of Americans will rally in front of the White House asking the President to deny the permit to TransCanada’s foreign export pipeline. Press resources below.

You can watch the event LIVE here starting on Sunday at noon CT when Bill McKibben gives his “Do the Math” talk (he is coming to Omaha to give this talk also). At 2pm CT, thousands will then march to the White House–watch the livestream right before 2pm CT to see a special message from Nebraskans!

Starting on Sunday at noon we will have the live webcast right on this page and on www.350.org/kxl.

Live video from your iPhone using Ustream

Nebraskans are participating in the rally by taking pictures with message to the President to protect our homes from this risky pipeline. Send us your pic to info@boldnebraska.org. We also included all the extra pictures the photographers took of folks, click here for those “outtakes.”

See all the pictures of Nebraskans and their messages to President Obama.

You can watch the video we made with some of the pictures and a special message to the President from brave cowboy Mason and the best pony ever Thunderpants. This video will be part of the national livestream a little before 2pm CT.

Take Action

You can take action by signing your name to the petition to Nebraska’s DEQ (the agency reviewing the pipeline route at the state level) letting them know this pipeline route is too risky for the Aquifer and still crosses the Sandhills.

Press Resources
Detailed map of re-routed pipeline in Nebraska still crossing Aquifer and Sandhills (map credit Bold Nebraska, map reviewed by Dr. Gates of UNL)

Birdseye view map of pipeline still crossing Sandhills and Aquifer.

New pictures of Nebraskans sending message to President Obama.

Letter from Gov. Heineman asking Pres. Obama to deny the pipeline permit because of the risks to the Aquifer. Heineman has not answered repeated questions on why he now supports the pipeline.

“I am opposed to the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline route because it is directly over the Ogallala Aquifer. Therefore, I am asking you to disapprove TransCanada’s pending permit request. Do not allow TransCanada to build a pipeline over the Ogallala Aquifer and risk the potential damage to Nebraska’s water.” -Gov. Heineman